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Mango the king of fruits is very delicious and you can't resist mango. Besides being tasty and delicious this fruit is is full of health benefits as it contains different varieties of nutrients which are beneficial for human beings.

Mango is a tropical fruit and you can find almost thousand thousand different varieties of it. It is amazing how nature has awarded  human beings with this amazing fruit in so many different forms and varieties.

In this article we are going tell you about the the different nutritious aspect of mango.

1. Full of calories and carbohydrates -
Mango is one of the good natural source of carbohydrates and fibres.
There are 200 calories in one mango so so if you are looking to gain some weight then it would be a good way of doing it.

2. Antioxidant and anticancer properties - 
Mango is a rich source of phenolic compounds such as magniferin. Phenolic compounds have great antioxidant properties and it in some ways boost the immunity. You won't find any other way of providing your body with antioxidant and anticancer elements in more natural way.

3. Good for pregnant women - mango is one of the rich source of iron and we all know how important iron is to pregnant womens.
Roughly a mango contains .2 milligram of iron.

Not just by  pregnant women this property of mango can be used by any human being who is suffering from mild anemic disorders.

4. Full of vitamins - mango is rich source of vitamin A and Vitamin E .
What else could there be a  better way to fill your body with these essential vitamins than eating a mango.

5. Good for your sex life - vitamin E in mango play a a very important role in boosting sexual functions, it kind of strengthen them ,    kegal exercise with a mango will definitely boost your sex life .

Next time you eat a mango don't forget to thank nature for this wonderful fruit.


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