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Important food festivals in the world

Alba White Truffle Festival                                  Alba, Italy
Abergavenny Food Festival
                                  Wales, UK
Baltic Herring Festival                                           Helsinki, Finland
Chinchilla Melon Festival(Watermelon)              Australia
Chocolate Festival                                                   London, UK
International Mango Festival                                 New Delhi, India
Ivrea Orange Festival                                              Ivrea, Italy
Maine Lobster Festival                                            Rockland USA
Maslenitsa Festival (Pancake Festival)                  Moscow, Russia
Melbourne Food & Wine Festival                          Melbourne, Australia
Mistura Food Festival                                             Lima, Peru
Monkey Buffet Festival                                           Lopburi Province,Thailand
Oktoberfest                                                               Munich, Germany
Onion Eating Festival                                              Spain
Orange Festival                                                        Poland
Pancake Festival                                                      Moscow, Russia
Potato Festival                                                         Sweden
San Francisco Street Food Festival                        San Francisco, USA
Tomato Festival                                                        Spain
Vegetarian Festival                                                 Thailand


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HEALTH BENEFITS OF MANGO Mango the king of fruits is very delicious and you can't resist mango. Besides being tasty and delicious this fruit is is full of health benefits as it contains different varieties of nutrients which are beneficial for human beings. Mango is a tropical fruit and you can find almost thousand thousand different varieties of it. It is amazing how nature has awarded  human beings with this amazing fruit in so many different forms and varieties. In this article we are going tell you about the the different nutritious aspect of mango. 1. Full of calories and carbohydrates - Mango is one of the good natural source of carbohydrates and fibres. There are 200 calories in one mango so so if you are looking to gain some weight then it would be a good way of doing it. 2. Antioxidant and anticancer properties -  Mango is a rich source of phenolic compounds such as magniferin. Phenolic compounds have great antioxidant properties and it in some ways

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