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Holi is the festival of color celebrated across the India with much enthusiasm and zeal. Celebration of this festival has very old history in India. few decades back the color used to play holi were made from flowers and others natural sources which were not harmful to skin.
                                                     But the advancement of chemical industries and high demand of color ,people have started to manufacture colors from chemicals which are harmful to skin ,eyes etc.
hence there is greater need to address the issue .

Here are few tips to celebrate holi  carefully-


Your parents might have suggested you to apply mustard oil to skin before going out to play holi.
 and yes this advice stand true every time you plans to play with colors.
Oil layer protect the skin from coming in direct contact with color, and color is removed from skin after playing with color


Use herbal colors to play holi and these color gives the same pleasure and these are not harmful to skin


It is highly advisable to drink lots of fluid to compensate any dehydration caused by chemicals in artificial colors


Never scratch your skin to remove color as this may damage the epidermis and later it may get inflamed.


It will be very good if you cover your head before playing with colors. you can protect your head by putting poly bag around the scalp. This will provide immunity to your hairs against colors.


Now this is in your hand to safeguard the eyes of your beloved by not throwing color in their eyes.
Follow this as few unfortunate cases were registered who had lost their eyesight due to colors.

just follow these steps and we wish you the most colorful, joyous , happy and safe holi.


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