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Invention Year Inventor country
Acetylene Gas 1862 Berthelot France
Adding machine 1642 Pascal France
Adhesive tape, Scotch 1930 Richard Drew USA
Aeroplane 1903 Orville & Wilbur Wright USA
Air conditioning 1902 Carrier USA
Aeroplane, jet engine 1939 Ohain Germany
Airship(non-rigid) 1852 Henri Giffard France
Aerosol spray 1926 Erik Rotheim Norway
Artificial heart 1957 William Kolff Netherlands
Atomic bomb 1945 J Robert Oppenheimer USA
atomic numbers 1913 Moseley Britain
atomic theory 1803 Dalton Britain
automatic rifle 1918 John Browning USA
Bakelite 1907 Leo H Baekeland Belgium
ballistic missile 1944 Wernher von Braun Germany
balloon 1783 Jacques & Joseph Montgolfier France
ballpoint pen 1888 John J loud USA
barometer 1644 Evangelista Torricelli Italy
battery(electric) 1800 Alessandro Volta Italy
bicycle 1839-40 Kirkpatrick Macmillan Britain
bicycle tyres(pneumatic) 1888 John Boyd Duniop Britain
bifocal lens 1780 Benjamin Franklin USA
bleaching powder 1798 Tennant Britain
Bunsen Burner 1855 R. Willhelm von Bunsen Germany
burglar alarms 1858 Edwin T. Holmes USA
calculus 1670 Newton Britain
camera, Kodak 1888 Walker Eastman USA
canned food 1804 Appert France
Car(Steam) 1769 Nicolas Cugnot France
car(Petrol) 1888 Karl Benz Germany
Carburettor 1876 Gottlieb Daimler Germany
Cassette, Audio 1963 Philips co. Holland
Cassette videotape 1969 Sony Japan
Celluloid 1861 Alexander Parkes Britain
Cement (Portland) 1824 Joseph Aspdin Britain
Chemotheraphy 1909 Ehrlich Germany
Chronometer 1735 John Harrison Britain
Cinema 1895 Nicolas and Jean Lumiere France
Clock (Mechanical) 1725 I Hsing & Liang Ling Tsan China
Cloning, DNA 1973 Boyer, Cohen USA
Cloning, mammal 1996 Wilmut, et al UK
Compact disc 1972 RCA USA
Compact disc player 1979 Sony, Philips co Japan, Netherlands
Computer, laptop 1987 Sinclair Britain
Computer,mini 1960 Digital corp USA
Crossword puzzle 1913 Arthur Wynne USA
CT Scan 1973 Hounsfield Britain
Diesel engine 1895 Rudolf Diesel Germany
Disc brakes 1902 Dr. F Lanchester Britain
Disc, video 1972 Phillips co Holland
DNA, structure 1951 Crick-UK,Watson-US,Wilkins-UK --
Dynamo 1832 Hypolite Pixii France
Electric flat iron 1882 H.W. Seeley USA
Electric lamp 1879 Thomas alva Edison USA
electric motor (DC) 1873 Zenobe Gramme Belgium
Electric motor (AC) 1888 Nikola Tesla USA
Electric iron 1882 Henry W.Seely USA
Electric washing machine 1906 Alva J Fisher USA
Electromagnet 1824 William Sturgeon Britain
Electron 1897 Thomson J Britain
Electroplating 1805 Luigi Brugnatelli Italy
Electronic computer 1824 Dr Alan M turning Britain
Facsimile machine 1843 Alexander Bain Britain
Fibre-optics 1955 Kepany Britain
Film (moving outlines) 1885 Louise Prince France
Film (talking) 1922 J. Engl, J.Mussolle & H Vogt Germany
Film (musical sound) 1923 Dr Le de forest USA
Floppy disk 1970 IBM USA
Frequency modulation 1933 EH Armstrong USA
Frisbee 1948 Fred Morrisson USA
Fountain pen 1884 Lewis E. Waterman USA
Galvanometer 1834 Andre-Marie Ampere France
Glider 1853 Sir George Cayley Britain
Gramophone 1878 Thomas Alva Edison USA
Helicopter 1924 Etinne Oehmichen France
HIV 1984 Martagnier France
Holography 1947 Denis Gason Britain
Hydrogen bomb 1952 Edward Teller USA
Intelligence testing 1905 Simon Binet France
Jet engine 1937 Sir Frank Whittle Britain
Laser 1960 Theodore Maiman USA
Launderette 1934 J.F. Cantrell USA
Lift (mechanical) 1852 Elisha G Otis USA
Lightning conductor 1752 Benjamin Franklin USA
Locomotive 1804 Richard Trevithick Britain
Logarithms 1614 Napier Britain
Loom, power 1785 E cartwright Britain
Loudspeaker 1900 Horace Short Britain
Machine gun 1718 Richard Gatling Britain
Magnetic recording tape 1928 Fritz Pfleumer Germany
Match, safety 1826 John Walker Britain
Microphone 1876 Alexander Graham Bell USA
Microprocessor 1971 Robert Noyce & Gordon Moore USA
Microscope,comp 1590 Z.Janssen Netherlands
Microscopes, elect 1931 Ruska Knoll Germany
Microwave oven 1947 Percy LeBaron Spencer USA
Motorcycle 1885 G. Daimler Germany
Movie projector 1593 Thomas Edison USA
MRI 1971 Damadian USA
Neon lamp 1910 George Claude France
Neutron 1932 Chadwick Britain
Neutron bomb 1958 Samuel Cohan USA
Nylon 1937 Dr Wallace H Carothers USA
Optical fibre 1955 Narinder Kapany Germany
Paper AD 105 - China
Pacemaker 1952 Zoll USA is
Pasteurization 1867 Lewis Pasteur France
Pencil 1792 Lacques Nicolas Conte France
Periodic table 1869 Mendeleyev Russia
Photocopier 1938 Carlson USA
Photoelectric cell 1893 Julius Elster, Hans F Geitel Germany
Photo film, celluloid 1893 Reichenbach USA
Photo film, transparent 1884 Goodwin Eastman USA
Photography (on metal) 1826 J.N. Niepce France
Photography (on paper) 1835 W.H. Fox Talbot Britain
Photography (on film) 1888 John Carbutt USA
Piano 1709 Cristofori Italy
Pistol, revolver 1836 Colt USA
Plutonium fission 1940 Kennedy, whal,Seaborg,Segre USA
Pop-up toaster 1927 Charles Strite USA
Printing press 1455 Johann Gutenberg Germany
Printing (rotatory) 1846 Richard Hoe USA
Printing (Web) 1865 William Bullock USA
Proton 1919 Rutherford New Zealand
Quantum theory 1900 Plank Germany
Radar 1922 AH Taylor and Leo C Young USA
Radiocarbon dating 1947 Libby USA
Radio telegrapy 1864 Dr Mohlon Loomis USA
Radio telegrapy (trans Atlantic) 1901 G Marconi Italy
Rayon 1883 Sir Joseph Swan Britain
Razor (electric) 1931 Col Jacob Schick USA
Razor (safety) 1895 King C Gillette USA
Refrigerator 1850 James Harrison, Alexandre catlin USA
Relativity theory 1905 Einstein Germany
Rubber (latex foam) 1928 Dunlop Rubber Co. Britain
Rubber (Tyres) 1846 Thomas Hancock Britain
Rubber (Vulcanised) 1841 Charles Goodyear USA
Rubber (waterproof) 1823 Charles Macintosh Britain
Safety pin 1849 Walter Hunt USA
Safety razor 1903 King camp Gillette USA
Seatbelt 1959 Volvo Sweden
Self-starter 1911 Charles F Kettering USA
Ship (steam) 1775 IC Perier France
Ship (turbine) 1894 Hon Sir C Parson Britain
Silk manufacture 50 BC - China
Skyscraper 1882 W Le Baron Jenny USA
Slide rule 1621 William Oughtred Britain
Spinning frame 1769 Sir Richard Arkwright Britain
Spinning Jenny 1764 JamesHargreaves Britain
Spinning Mule 1779 Samuel Crompton Britain
Steam Engine 1698 Thomas Savery Britain
Steam Engine(Piston) 1712 Thomas Newcomen Britain
Steam Engine(Condenser) 1765 James Watt Britain
Steel(Stainless) 1913 Harry Brealey Britain
Stethoscope 1819 Laennec French
Submarine 1776 David Bushnell USA
Super Computer 1976 J.H Van Tassel USA
Synthesiser 1964 Moog USA
Tank 1914 Sir Emest D Swington Britain
Tape recorder 1899 Fessenden Poulsen Denmark
Telegraph 1787 M Lammond France
Telegraph code 1837 Samuel FB Morse USA
Telephone, cellular 1947 Bell Labs USA
Telephone (imperfect) 1849 Antonio Meucci Italy
Telephone (perfected) 1876 Alexander Graham Bell USA
Telescope 1608 Hans Lippershey Netherlands
Television (mechanical) 1926 John Logie Baird Britain
Television (electronic) 1927 P.T Farnsworth USA
Television, colour 1928 John Logie Baird Britain
Transformer 1831 Michael Faraday Britain
Transistor 1948 Bardeen, Shockley & Brattain USA
Transistor radio 1955 Sony Japan
Uranium fission, atomic reactor 1942 Szilard Fermi USA
Vacuum cleaner 1907 Spangler USA
Videotape 1956 Charles Ginsberg USA
Velcro(hook-and-loop-fastner) 1948 Geprges de Mestral Switzerland
Washing machine(elec) 1907 Hurley Machine co USA
Watch 1462 Bartholomew Manfredi Italy
Welder (electric) 1877 Elisha Thomson USA
Windmill 600 Persian corn grinding -
Wireless (telegraph the) 1896 G Marconi Italy
x-ray 1895 W.K Roentgen Geremany
Zip Fastener 1891 W.L Judson USA


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HEALTH BENEFITS OF MANGO Mango the king of fruits is very delicious and you can't resist mango. Besides being tasty and delicious this fruit is is full of health benefits as it contains different varieties of nutrients which are beneficial for human beings. Mango is a tropical fruit and you can find almost thousand thousand different varieties of it. It is amazing how nature has awarded  human beings with this amazing fruit in so many different forms and varieties. In this article we are going tell you about the the different nutritious aspect of mango. 1. Full of calories and carbohydrates - Mango is one of the good natural source of carbohydrates and fibres. There are 200 calories in one mango so so if you are looking to gain some weight then it would be a good way of doing it. 2. Antioxidant and anticancer properties -  Mango is a rich source of phenolic compounds such as magniferin. Phenolic compounds have great antioxidant properties and it in some ways

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