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Space centres of countries

Liege Space Center
Euro Space Center
John H. Chapman Space Centre
Telus World of Science, Edmonton
European Space Operations Centre
Hubble European Space Agency Information Centre
European Astronaut Centre
Toulouse Space Center           Guiana Space Centre

Cannes Mandelieu Space Center
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre

Space Applications Centre

Satish Dhawan Space Centre
Broglio Space Centre
Uchinoura Space Centre
Tanegashima Space Centre
South Korea
Naro Space Center
European Space Research and Technology
Norwegian Space Centre
Mabuhaysat Subic Space Center
Mabuhaysat Zamboanga Space Center
Sonmiani (space facility)
Tilla Satellite Launch Center
Babakin Space Centre
Baikonur Cosmodrome
Titov Main Test and Space Systems Control Centre
United Kingdom
Leicester Space Centre
Surrey Space Centre
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
Jodrell Bank Observatory
United States
Goddard Space Flight Center
John C. Stennis Space Center
Kennedy Space Center
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center and Space Center Houston
Marshall Space Flight Center


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HEALTH BENEFITS OF MANGO Mango the king of fruits is very delicious and you can't resist mango. Besides being tasty and delicious this fruit is is full of health benefits as it contains different varieties of nutrients which are beneficial for human beings. Mango is a tropical fruit and you can find almost thousand thousand different varieties of it. It is amazing how nature has awarded  human beings with this amazing fruit in so many different forms and varieties. In this article we are going tell you about the the different nutritious aspect of mango. 1. Full of calories and carbohydrates - Mango is one of the good natural source of carbohydrates and fibres. There are 200 calories in one mango so so if you are looking to gain some weight then it would be a good way of doing it. 2. Antioxidant and anticancer properties -  Mango is a rich source of phenolic compounds such as magniferin. Phenolic compounds have great antioxidant properties and it in some ways

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