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Paralysis is also known as strokes and in this person's muscles are weakened gradually or in other cases paralysis comes suddenly and a person is left with a paralyzed body.  paralysis can be caused by a variety of factors ranging from high blood pressure to certain trauma, injuries that affect the nervous system. once a person is affected by this ailment he has to face several difficulties.
paralysis affecting  face is known as bell's palsy and in this affected part of face loses the strength to use those muscle for giving out expressions. 

Paralysis can affect person's of any age group but incidence of paralysis are seen to affect persons of higher age group.  Differnt medical terminologies for paralysis are listed below -

  • the face
  • the hands
  • one arm or leg (monoplegia)
  • one side of the body (hemiplegia)
  • both legs (paraplegia)
  • both arms and legs (tetraplegia or quadriplegia)



1. Stroke - sudden weakness on one side of the face, with arm weakness or slurred speech.

2.  Bell's palsy - sudden weakness on one side of the face, with earache or face pain.

3. Sleep paralysis - temporary paralysis when waking up or falling asleep.

4. Brain tumour -gradual weakness on one side of the body.

5. Head and spinal injries - paralysis after a serious accident or injury.

Diagnostic tests -   

1. X- rays

3. MRI





 1.MUSTARD OIL - Mustard Oil is very effective in curing paralysis. Apply Mustard oil on the affected part of the body. You can also use Ghee in place of mustard oil.

2.GARLIC & HONEY -  Garlic is also another effective home remedy to cure paralysis. Take 5 to 6 pieces of Garlic and grind them, after this add two spoons of honey in it. Now take this mixture daily and within two months, you will get relief from paralysis. Also boil 5-6 pieces of garlic in the milk and take them on daily. This will control your blood pressure as well as affected part will also become alive. 

3. BLACK PEPPER - It is another effective way to cure paralysis. In this method take 50-60 grams of black pepper and cook it in the 250 ml Mustard Oil. Now lukewarm this cooked oil and apply it gently on the affected part. This will provide you relief in short period of time.

4. GINGER - Ginger is very useful in curing paralysis. Take 5 gram of Grinded  ginger along with 10 grams of  split black gram (Urad Dal). Now, cook it in 50 grams of mustard oil for 10 minutes. Also add 2  grams of powdered camphor in it. Now use this mix oil  to massage gently on the affected area.  You will experience the surprising relief within few days. 

5. GINGKO - Take 180 to 240 gm of gingko a day. This helps in prevention of another stroke attack.



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